As a locally owned and operated business we believe in the importance in investing and supporting your local community.
We support our community through local employment, through our involvement in community events and supporting Central Australia in a variety of ways:
- The most significant local sponsorship project is for the Alice Springs Men’s Shed where SWEL hosted and co-ordinated a Mud Run in March 2016. This was a Community fundraising event which raised $7000 for the Men’s Shed. The event was planned and conducted by SWEL management and staff and funds were raised through sponsorship as well as entry fees.
- SWEL recently raised $3000 for the Animal Shelter through a challenge called the Whip Nae Nae. This again was managed and conducted by SWEL staff.
- SWEL are active members of the Chamber of Commerce attending networking meetings and events. In September 2016, SWEL hosted the Chamber of Commerce business at sunset which saw 80 plus people from varying business attend.
- SWEL provide free welding and repair work for race car and bike competitors that compete in the annual Finke Desert Race and local race events.
- The Director of SWEL volunteers for the Alice Springs Gymnastics Club as a coach and when possible SWEL supports the club through way of sponsorship for Interstate competitions.
- SWEL support the Centralian Middle School and St Philips College work placement programs providing students two weeks education and learning experience in a work environment.
- As part of the Anzac Day celebrations in Alice Springs SWEL completed repairs and refurbishment to the RSL Canon saving the RSL Club thousands of dollars in repairs and maintenance.

Indigenous Business
SWEL is a certified Indigenous business with Supply Nation, Aboriginal owned and operated. We actively work with our community to fill as many positions as we can with local Aboriginal people. We currently have an average Indigenous employment rate of 28%. We also have an apprenticeship program to encourage young people into the industry.